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  • 定价: ¥35
  • ISBN:0843955260
  • 开 本:32开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:Dorchester
  • 页数:326页
  • 立即节省:
  • 2005-01-01 第1版
  • 2005-01-01 第1次印刷



    Langway quickly decides the kidnapping has to be an inside job. But when he starts asking questions, he runs into a very solid wall. Everyone seems to be hiding something, and no one wants to talk. Surrounded by family secrets and outrighl lies, Langway has to sort out the truth.., before Kenny's time runs out.



    The General took the receiver from me, Turgeon hovering at one comer of the desk, hand on the grip of his sidearm. I moved to my equipment, changed headsets, and nodded to Van Home.
    The General nodded back and said into the phone, "This is Alexander Van Home. Where is Kenny?"
    "Takes you a long time to get to the phone, old man."
    "I'll speak to him before we go any further or we go no further."
    There was a sound like a hang-up. The General took the phone away from his ear, looking first to Kerstein,then back to me. I shook my head, pointing to my headset. Van Home had just returned the receiver to his ear when I heard, "Hi, Gra-da, s'me, Kenny."
    The General seemed to be lost between death and heaven. He squared his features somehow and sat straighter in the chair.
    There was a hang-up noise again, followed by the original sound. "That's your taste, old man. Now we deal."
    Van Home said, "State your terms."
    "First, no police."
    "None have been summoned."
    "No word games. Are police of any kind involved in this?"
    "No. No police at all"
    "Second, one...million...dollars."
