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  • 定价: ¥62.3
  • ISBN:9780007108220
  • 开 本:32开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:FONTANA/Collins
  • 页数:201页
  • 立即节省:
  • 2001-01-01 第1版
  • 2001-01-01 第1次印刷



    The bestselling authors of Raving Fans/and Gung Ho! present the essential tools for turning any group of individuals - from a small unit to a large corporation - into a winning team.
    High Five/uses a delightful and charming story to deliver a powerful message on team building and why ten simple words, 'None of us is as smart as all of us,' will work magic for any organisation. With its simple style and easy-to-follow techniques, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn the value and power of teamwork.
    'When we wrote The One Minute Manager together, one plus one was much greater than two. Now comes High Five/Reading this story can motivate us all to be better team players and improve our results.'
    From the foreword by Spencer Johnson



    When Ken Blanchard asked me to write a foreword for High Fiver. I said I would be most honored to do so. After reading the manuscript, I'm especially honored. I love this book!
    High Fiver. stimulated my mind, reminding me that any individual can achieve more if he or she is part of a good team--especially in these increasingly complex and changing times.
    Even more important, the story touched my heart, as I hope it touches yours. It shows us how having a purpose beyond ourselves adds great meaning to our lives in a way that is inspiring and nourishing.
    Ken not only knows about working as part of a team, he lives it. He is one of the best teammates I have ever had the enjoyment of working with.
