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  • 定价: ¥120
  • ISBN:9780230742994
  • 开 本:32开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:PALGRAVE
  • 页数:342页
  • 立即节省:
  • 2010-01-01 第1版
  • 2010-01-01 第1次印刷



    The Day of the Dead - E1 Dia de los Muertos - when Mexico celebrates its lost loved ones. But for disgraced newspaper reporter, Nick Vargas, and attorney, Beth Crawford, it is not an occasion to celebrate. Nick, now a true crime writer, is determined to find the truth behind the slaughter of nuns in a deserted house in the desert and Beth is desperate to find her younger sister, Jen, who disappeared without trace when they were on holiday in Mexico...



    They found the bodies in the desert, about twenty miles southwest of Tolentino. Two fexas dirt-bikers, father and son, had come down from El Paso to ride the dunes and discorered a dead woman lying in the scrub, her throat slit, her body half drained of blood. It didn't stop there...
    The Day of the Dead - E1 Dia de los Muertos - when Mexico celebrates its lost loved ones. But for disgraced newspaper reporter, Nick Vargas, and attorney, Beth Crawford, it is not an occasion to celebrate. Nick, now a true crime writer, is determined to find the truth behind the slaughter of nuns in a deserted house in the desert and Beth is desperate to find her younger sister, Jen, who disappeared without trace when they were on holiday in Mexico.
    Their quest for the truth leads them to a small town in Mexico where a mysterious and malevolent cult are known to perform sinister and deadly rituals. Danger lurks as Beth and Nick know they are being watched, and that their enemy is waiting for the right moment to strike...
