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  • 定价: ¥28
  • ISBN:9787514316612
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:现代
  • 页数:250页
  • 作者:蔡志忠|译者:(美)...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2013-09-01 第1版
  • 2013-09-01 第1次印刷









Zhuangzi Speaks I The Music of Nature
寒蝉和灵龟The Winter Cicada and the Wonder Tortoise
小麻雀的得意The Little Sparrow's Small Happiness
惠施的大葫芦Hui Shi's Giant Gourd
宋人的秘方The Song Family's Secret Formula
无用的樗树The Useless Shu Tree
越人文身The Tattooed Yue People
大地的箫声The Music ofthe Earth
昭文不再弹琴Zhao Wen Quits the Zither
王倪知道不知道Does Wang Ni Know?
西施是美女吗Is Xi Shi Really Beautiful?
丽姬的哭泣Li Ji's Tears
长梧子的大梦Zhang Wuzi's Dream
影子的对话Dialogue With a Shadow
庄周梦见蝴蝶The Dream of the Butterfly
朝三暮四Three at Dawn and Fourat Dusk
惠施靠在梧桐上Hui Shi Leans Against a Tree
庖丁解牛Paoding Carves Up a Cow
薪尽火传Passing on the Flame
笼中的野鸡The Caged Chicken
螳臂当车The Mantis Stops a Cart
爱马的人The Horse Lover
土地神的树The Earth Spirit's Tree
树的天年A Tree's Natural Life Span
油把自己烧干了  Oil Burns Itself Out
养虎的人The Tiger Trainer
没有脚指头的废人Toeless Shu
自然是超级英雄Nature the Superhero
人相忘于道术Forgetting the Dao
子桑唱贫穷之歌Zi Sang Questions His Fate
海中凿河Digging a Hole in the Ocean Floor
鸭脚太短吗Are a Duck's Legs Too Short?
牧羊人丢了羊The Lost Goat
盗亦有道Thieves Have Principles, Too
黄帝问道广成子The Emperor Goes to Guang Chengzi
自然的友Nature's Friend
做车轮的老人The Old Wheelwright
天地日月  The Earth and the Sky
海鸥和乌鸦Crows and Seagulls
孔子看到龙Confucius Sees a Dragon
不要穿牛鼻Don't Ring the Bull's Nose
风和蛇The Wind and the Snake
圣人的勇气Courage of the Sage
井底之蛙The Frog in the Well
邯郸学步LearningHow toWalkinHandan
鹗乌吃腐鼠A Crow Eating a Dead Rat
子非鱼安知鱼之乐  You're Not a Fish
庄子梦见骷髅Zhuangzi Dreams ofa Skeleton
海鸟不爱音乐Sea Birds Don't Like Music
酒醉驾车的人The Drunk Passenger
浮游于道德Riding with Nature
甘泉先竭The Sweet Water is Gone First
林回弃璧Lin Hui Forsakes a Fortune
燕子结巢梁上Swallows Nest in the Eaves
螳螂捕蝉The Mantis Getting the Cicada
凡国不曾灭亡Fan Was Never Destroyed
知识和大道Knowledge and the Dao
庚桑楚逃名Geng Sangchu Forsakes Fame
黄帝问道于牧童The Yellow Emperor and the Pastureboy
石匠和郢人The Stone Mason and the Ying Man
蜗牛角上的两国Two Nations on a Snail's Antennae
庄周贷粟Zhuangzi Borrows Grain
灵验的白龟The Turtle That Could Predict the Future
自然的用  Natural Use
得鱼忘荃After Catching the Fish,Discard the Trap
杨朱学道Yang Zhu Studies the Dao
子贡衣服雪白Zi Gong's Snow White Clothes
大盗的大道理The Villain Speaks
庄子三剑Zhuangzi's Three Swords
孔子游黑森林Confucius in the Black Forest
讨厌脚迹的人The Man Who Hated His Footprints
讨厌影子的人The Man Who Hated His Shadow
泛若不系之舟Like a Drifting Boat
屠龙之技The Dragonslayer
打碎龙珠Shattering the Dragonpearl
不做牺牲Don't Make Sacrifices
庄子快死了  Zhuangzi on His Deathbed

Zhuangzi SpeaksⅡ More Music of Nature
列子御风而行Liezi Rides the Wind
许由不受天下Xu You Refuses the World
谁是主宰Who's theMaster?
庄子说话不说话Zhuangzi Speaks about Not Speaking
尧问  Yao's Question
养生主The Danger of Knowledge
秦失不哭泣Qin Shi Didn't Cry
颜回心斋Mental Fasting
饮冰的人TheMan on Fire
楚狂人接舆The Madman ofChu
形体与精神Body and Spirit
人是无情的吗  Do People Have Emotions?
何谓真人What is a Genuine Person
道比天高The Dao is Higher Than Heaven
相忘于江湖Mindless ofEach Other
藏天下于天下HidingtheWorldin theWorld
自然的生灭  Creation and Destruction
颜回坐忘Yan Hui Sits in Forgetting
至人用心若镜The Mind is Like a Mirror
浑沌之死The Death ofPrimal Chaos
第六只手指The Sixth Finger
大惑易性Great Confusion Alters One's Nature
伯乐的罪过The Horse Trainer's Transgressions
仁义之害The Harm of Benevolence and Righteousness
防盗术Theft Prevention
黄帝遗失玄珠The Lost Pearl
天道The Heavenly Dao
无为而治Governing Through Non-Action
无江海而闲  Independent Leisure
养神贵精Energy and Spirit
秋水Autumn Waters
天地与毫毛Heaven and Earth and a Strand of Fur
大小和极限Size and Limits
大道和贵贱Status and the Dao
谢施Alternating Functions
不怕水火Fire Doesn't Burn
污泥中的龟A Turtle in theMuck
至乐  Ultimate Joy
庄子鼓盆  Zhuangzi Drums on a Pot
柳生左肘A Lump on the Elbow
至人之境Realm D厂the Perfect Person
黏蝉的老人Catching Cicadas
操舟如神  Steering a Boat
祭盘上的牺牲The SacrificialPigs
瀑布下游泳的人Swimming in a Waterfall
梓庆做钟架Qing Makes a Bell-Stand
东野稷盘马Dongye li Has an Accident
工任的手指Gong Chui's Fingers
庄子在荆棘中Zhuangzi in the Brambles
鲁国只有一个儒者OnlyOneConfucianin Lu
百里奚养牛Baili Xi Raises Oxen
真正的画师The Genuine Painter
爵禄无变于己  Self-Respect
道可以拥有吗Can theDaoBePossessed?
道在屎溺The Dao in Defecation
道超越知The Dao Transcends Knowledge
心无旁骛No Distractions
知的极点Breaking the Barriers
至仁  Ultimate Benevolence
徐无鬼相狗相马Xu Wugui's Appraisals
诗书六搜不如狗马经The Exile
吴王射巧猿The King Kills a Special Monkey
不知的境域The Realm ofIgnorance
环中之道  The Cyclic Dao
任公子钓大鱼The Prince of Ren Goes Fishing
孔子的变化Confucius Changes
无牵挂的人No Attachments
得道的阶段The Phases ofAttaining the Dao
生活为贵名位为轻Life Is Most Important
屠羊人不居功The Goat Butcher Refuses Reward
颜回不做官Redusing Office
逐利之夫TheMan Who Pursued Profit
APPENDIX Further reading