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  • 定价: ¥76
  • ISBN:9787564170783
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:东南大学
  • 页数:384页
  • 作者:(英)克里斯·西蒙...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2017-04-01 第1版
  • 2017-04-01 第1次印刷





    克里斯·西蒙兹著的《精通嵌入式Linux编程(影印版)(英文版)》带领你检视整个产品周期,深入讲解每个产品阶段用到的组件和选项。首先学习的是工具链、bootloader、Linux内核以及根文件系统的配置方法。然后学习使用两种最常用的构建系统(Buildroot和Yocto Project)来加快和简化开发过程。打下了坚实的基础之后,接下来要讲述如何发挥出raw NAND/NOR flash memory(闪存)和managed flash(管理闪存)eMMC芯片的效用,其中包括延长设备生寸期以及执行可靠性in-field更新的机制。随后要讲到POSIX线程的用法,这对于最终设备的响应性以及性能有着极大的影响。最后会介绍一些性能分析技术以及使用perf和ftrace跟踪应用程序和内核代码。本书适合于熟悉嵌入式系统,希望学习如何制造一流设备的Linux开发人员以及系统程序员。要求读者具备基本的C语言基础和系统编程经验。


Chapter 1: Starting Out
  Selecting the right operating system
  The players
  Project lifecycle
    The four elements of embedded Linux
  Open source
  Hardware for embedded Linux
  Hardware used in this book
    The BeagleBone Black
  Software used in this book
Chapter 2: Learning About Toolchains
  What is a toolchain?
  Types of toolchain - native versus cross toolchain
    CPU architectures
  Choosing the C library
  Finding a toolchain
    Building a toolchain using crosstooI-NG
    Installing crosstooI-NG
    Selecting the toolchain
  Anatomy of a toolchain
    Finding out about your cross compiler
    The sysroot, library, and header files
  Other tools in the toolchain
  Looking at the components of the C library
  Linking with libraries: static and dynamic linking
    Static libraries
    Shared libraries
      Understanding shared library version numbers
  The art of cross compiling
    Simple makefiles
      An example: SQLite
    Package configuration
  Problems with cross compiling
Chapter 3: All About Bootloaders
  What does a bootloader do?
  The boot sequence
    Phase 1: ROM code
    Phase 2: SPL
    Phase 3: TPL
  Booting with UEFI firmware
  Moving from bootloader to kernel
  Introducing device trees
    Device tree basics
    The reg property
    Phandles and interrupts
    Device tree include files
    Compiling a device tree
  Choosing a bootloader
    Building U-Boot
    Installing U-Boot
    Using U-Boot
      Environment variables
      Boot image format
      Loading images
    Booting Linux
      Automating the boot with U-Boot scripts
    Porting U-Boot to a new board
    Kconfig and U-Boot
      Board-specific files
      Configuration header files
    Building and testing
Chapter 4 Porting and configuring the Kernel
Chapter 5 Building a Root Filesystem
Chapter 6 Selecting a Build System
Chapter 7 Creating a Storage Strategy
Chapter 8 Introducing Device Drivers
Chapter 9 Starting up-the init Program
Chapter 10 Learning About Processes and Threads
Chapter 11 Managing Memory
Chapter 12 Debugging with GDB
Chapter 13 Profiling and Tracing
Chapter 14 Real-time Programming