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  • 定价: ¥39.9
  • ISBN:9787513591478
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:外语教研
  • 页数:232页
  • 作者:编者:马建军
  • 立即节省:
  • 2017-07-01 第1版
  • 2017-07-01 第1次印刷







  Definition of Mythology
  Common Approaches to Mythology
  Greco-Roman Mythology: Classic and Popular
Unit 1  Myths of Universe Creation
  Account from Hesiod's Theogony
  The Pelasgian Creation Myth
  The Homeric-Orphic Creation Myths
  Account from Metamorphoses by Ovid
  Account of Mythopoeia
  Hindu Creation Myth
  Chinese Creation Myth
Unit 2  Five Ages of Man
  The Five Ages of Mankind
    Hesiod's Version
  Alienation of the Human from the Divine
    Prometheus and Mankind
    Pandora's Box
    The Deucalion Deluge and Human Creation
Unit 3  Titanic and Olympian Genealogy
  A Survey of the Divine Family
    Uranus and Cronus
    Gaia's Children
    Cronus and Zeus
  The Olympian Family
    The Family Tree
    Major Olympians
    Minor Gods and Goddesses and Demigods
Unit 4  Major Olympian Deities (I)
    King of Gods and Goddesses
    Zeus and Hera
    Zeus and His Mortal Lovers
    Zeus' Children
    Birth of Apollo
    The Oracle of Delphi
    Apollo's Love
    Musical Contests
    Birth of Dionysus
    The Wanderings of Dionysus
    The Dionysia
Unit 5  Major Olympian Deities (II)
    Queen of the Heavens
    Strife Between Hera and Zeus
    Ability of Parthenogenesis
    Stereotype of a Nagging and Jealous Wife
    Birth and Marriage
    Stereotype of Mistress
    Aphrodite and Adonis
    Birth of Athena
    Nature of Athena
    Athena and Athens
    Contest with Arachne
Unit 6  Greek Heroes (I)
    Birth of Perseus
    Beheading of Medusa, the Gorgon
    Rescue of Andromeda
    Fulfilling the Prophecy
    Birth of Heracles
    Twelve Labors of Heracles
    Heracles' Love and Death
    Twelfth Labor: Fetching Cerberus
Unit 7  Greek Heroes (II)
    Birth and Meeting the Father
    Killing of the Minotaur
    Theseus' Love
    Other Adventures and Death
    The Golden Fleece
    Usurpation of the Throne by Pelias
    The Trip to Colchis
    Seizure of the Fleece
    Return to Greece and Death of Pelias
    The Tragic End of Marriage
Unit 8  The Trojan War Saga: The Iliad
  Before The Iliad
  The Iliad
    The Wrath of Achilles
    The War
    During the Truce
    In the Battlefield
    Achilles Back in the War
    The Death of Hector
  After The Iliad
Unit 9  The Trojan War Saga: The Odyssey
  The Odyssey
    Telemachus' Search for the Father
    The Wanderings on the Sea
    The Fate of the Suitors
  After The Odyssey
Unit 10  Roman Mythology
  Major Roman Deities
  Native Roman Myths
    Romulus and Remus
    The Rape of the Sabine Women
    The Horatii
  Ovid's Roman Myth: Metamorphoses
    Phaethon: Quest for the Impossible
    Pyramus and Thisbe: Love Lost by Mistake
    Mercury and Battus: Faithful to One's Promise
    Deification of Julius Caesar
Unit 11  Roman Foundation: TheAeneid
  The Aeneid
    The Fate of Aeneas
    Adventurous Wanderings
    The Underworld
    The War for the Latium
  After The Aeneid
Unit 12  Love: A Recurring Theme in Mythology
  Aristophanes' Definition of Love
  Cupid (Amor/Eros) and Psyche (Soul)
  Echo and Narcissus
  The Abduction of Ganymede
  Apollo and Hyacinthus
  Appendix I: Vocabulary
  Appendix II: The Greek Spelling of Names