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  • 定价: ¥96
  • ISBN:9787564173593
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:东南大学
  • 页数:492页
  • 作者:(印)钱德玛尼·阿...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2017-10-01 第1版
  • 2017-10-01 第1次印刷





    Angular 2能够帮助你构建出更快、更有效、更灵活的跨平台应用。它解放了JavaScript的开发,使代码变得更有组织、可读性更好、经受得住测试。
    钱德玛尼·阿罗拉、凯文·汉尼斯著的《Angular2实例(影印版)(英文版)》先后构建了三个复杂度不一的应用。首先是一个简单的猜数字游戏,它作为将你带入Angular世界的一个平台。接下来,你将学习编写一个流行的7分钟锻炼(7 Minute Workout)应用。其中涉及了Angular的构建块。最后的一个个人助理教练(Personal Trainer)应用将已经编写好的7分钟锻炼应用修改成了一个全功能的个人健身及跑步工具,其中涉及了高级指令,这是Angular最基本也是最强大的特性。


Chapter 1: Getting Started
  Angular basics
    The component pattern
    Using the component pattern in web applications
    Why weren't components used before in Angular?
    What's new that enables Angular to use this pattern?
      Web Components
      Angular and Web Components
      Language support in Angular
      Putting it all together
    Angular modules
    The basic steps to building Angular applications
  The customary Hello Angular app - Guess the Number!
    Setting up a development server
    Building Guess the Number!
    Designing our first component
    The host file
      An HTML page
      Script tags
      Custom elements
    The component file
      The import statement
      Defining the class
    The module file
    We're up-and-running!
  Digging deeper
    Tracking changes in the number of tries
      The safe navigation operator
    Data binding
      Property binding
      Event binding
    Structural directives
  Revisiting our app
  Looking at how our code handles updates
  Maintaining the state
    Component as the container for the state
    Change detection
  Initializing the app
    Loading the modules needed by our application
    Bootstrapping our app
Chapter 2: Building Our First App - 7 Minute Workout
  What is 7 Minute Workout?
  Downloading the code base
  Setting up the build
    The build internals
    Code transpiling
  Organizing code
  The 7 Minute Workout model
  App bootstrapping
    App loading with SystemJS
  Our first component - WorkoutRunnerComponent
    Component life cycle hooks
  Building the 7 Minute Workout view
    The Angular 2 binding infrastructure
      Property binding
      Property versus attribute
      Property binding continued
        Quick expression evaluation
        Side-effect-free binding expressions
    Angular directives
    Target selection for binding
    Attribute binding
    Style and class binding
    Attribute directives
    Styling HTML with ngClass and ngStyle
  Exploring Angular modules
Chapter 3: More Angular 2 - SPA, Routing, and Data Flows in Depth
Chapter 4: Personal Trainer
Chapter 5: Supporting Server Data Persistence
Chapter 6: Angular 2 Directives in Depth
Chapter 7: Testing Personal Trainer
Chapter 8: Some Practical Scenarios