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  • 定价: ¥66
  • ISBN:9787513049290
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:知识产权
  • 页数:317页
  • 作者:刘田丰
  • 立即节省:
  • 2017-11-01 第1版
  • 2017-11-01 第1次印刷









Chapter OneTransnational Academic Mobility: Chinese and British
  Academics in Transnational Academic Space
  Introduction: Transnational Encounters Across Space and Time
  1 Background of the Study
  2 Theoretical Framework
  3 Purpose Statement and Research Questions
  4 Significance of the Project
  5 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter TwoInternationalisation and Transnational
  Academic Mobility
  1 The Process of Internationalisation of Higher Education in Chinese and British National Contexts
  2 Transnationalism, Academic Mobility and Practices
  3 Conceptual Tools—Connecting Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice, the Notion of Place,and Transitional
  Academic Migration
  Conclusion: Research Agenda of the Study
Chapter ThreeResearching Transnational Academic Mobility
  1 Site Selection
  2 Participant Selection
  3 Research Methods for Data Collection
  4 Positionality
  5 Data Analysis
  6 Ethical Issues
  Conclusion: Reflections after Fieldwork
Chapter FourSwitching Places: Offshore Working Challenges,
  Opportunities and Reasons for‘Moving’
  1 Cultivating Transnational Capital form ‘Above’: Importance of Policy and Capital Exchange in Directing Academic Migration
  2 Negotiating Restrictions from ‘Below’: How is Academic Mobility Influenced by the Reproduction of Academic (Dis)advantage in Professional Practice?
Chapter FiveAcademic Challenges and Adjustments in Transnational
  Teaching Space: a Recreation of Pedagogies
  1 The Emergence of ‘Transnational’ Teaching and Assessment Methods
  2 TeacherStudent Relations in the Transnational Classroom
Chapter SixChinese and British Academic Migrants’ Working
  Experience in Transnational University Space Introduction
  1 Workplace—Office
  2 Social Place
  3 Residence
Chapter SevenConclusion
  1 Academic Mobility, Capital Exchange and Grounded Working Experience
  2 Transnational Teaching: Challenges, Adjustments, and Creativeness
  3 Transnational Practice and University Space
  4 Final Conceptual Structure of the Thesis
  5 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Study
  6 Significance of the Study