
您现在的位置: 全部商品分类 > 工业技术 > 动力工程原子能 > 原子能


  • 定价: ¥99
  • ISBN:9787302490876
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:清华大学
  • 页数:633页
  • 作者:编者:俞冀阳
  • 立即节省:
  • 2018-03-01 第1版
  • 2018-03-01 第1次印刷







1 Fundamentals of Mathematics and Physics
  1.1 Calculus
    1.1.1 Differential and Derivative
    1.1.2 Integral
    1.1.3 Laplace Operator
  1.2 Units
    1.2.1 Unit Systems
    1.2.2 Conversion of Units
    1.2.3 Graphics of Physical Quantity
2 Thermodynamics
  2.1 Thermodynamic Properties
  2.2 Energy
    2.2.1 Heat and Work
    2.2.2 Energy and Power
  2.3 System and Process
  2.4 Phase Change
  2.5 Property Diagrams
    2.5.1 PressureTemperature (pT) Diagram
    2.5.2 PressureSpecific Volume (pv) Diagram
    2.5.3 PressureEnthalpy (ph) Diagram
    2.5.4 EnthalpyTemperature (hT) Diagram
    2.5.5 TemperatureEntropy (Ts) Diagram
    2.5.6 EnthalpyEntropy (hs)Diagram or Mollier Diagram
  2.6 The First Law of Thermodynamics
    2.6.1 Rankine Cycle
    2.6.2 Utilization of the First Law of Thermodynamics in Nuclear Power Plant
  2.7 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    2.7.1 Entropy
    2.7.2 Carnots Principle
  2.8 Power Plant Components
    2.8.1 Turbine Efficiency
    2.8.2 Pump efficiency
    2.8.3 Ideal and Real Cycle
  2.9 Ideal Gas Law
3 Heat Transfer
  3.1 Heat Transfer Terminology
  3.2 Heat Conduction
    3.2.1 Fouriers Law of Conduction.
    3.2.2 Rectangular
    3.2.3 Equivalent Resistance
    3.2.4 Cylindrical
  3.3 Convective Heat Transfer
    3.3.1 Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient
    3.3.2 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
  3.4 Radiant Heat Transfer
    3.4.1 Thermal Radiation
    3.4.2 Black Body Radiation
    3.4.3 Radiation Configuration Factor
  3.5 Heat Exchangers
  3.6 Boiling Heat Transfer
    3.6.1 Flow Boiling
    3.6.2 Departure from Nucleate Boiling and Critical Heat Flux
  3.7 Heat Generation
    3.7.1 Total Power of Reactor Core
    3.7.2 Flatten of Power
    3.7.3 Hot Channel Factor
    3.7.4 Decay Heat
4 Fluid Flow
  4.1 Continuity Equation
  4.2 Laminar and Turbulent Flow
    4.2.1 Reynolds Number and Hydraulic Diameter
5 Electrical Science
6 Instrumentation and Control
7 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
8 Material Science
9 Mechanical Science
10 Nuclear Physics
11 Reactor Theory
12 Radiation Protection
Symbol Table