
您现在的位置: 全部商品分类 > 生物科学 > 生物科学 > 遗传学、生理学


  • 定价: ¥428
  • ISBN:9787040486896
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • 页数:837页
  • 作者:(美)克莱伯斯//高...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2018-01-01 第1版
  • 2018-01-01 第1次印刷







PART I Genes and Chromosomes
  Chapter 1 Genes Are DNA and Encode RNAs and Polypeptides
    Edited by Esther Siegfried
  Chapter 2 Methods in Motecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
  Chapter 3 The Interrupted Gene
  Chapter 4 The Content of the Genome
  Chapter 5 Genome Sequences and Evotution
  Chapter 6 Ctusters and Repeats
  Chapter 7 Chromosomes
    Edited by Hank W. Bass
  Chapter 8 Chrematin
    Edited by Craia Peterson
PART II DNA RepUcation and ReCombination
  Chapter 9 Reptication Is Connected to the Cett Cycte
    Edited by Barbara FunneU
  Chapter 10 The Repticon: Initiation of Replication
  Chapter 11 BNA Replication
  Chapter 12 Extrachromosomal Replicons
  Chapter 13 Homotogous and Site-Specific Recombination
    Edited by Hannah L. Klein and Samantha Hoot
  Chapter 14 Repair Systems
  Chapter 15 Transposable Elements and Retroviruses
    Edited by Damon Lisch
  Chapter 16 Somatic DNA Recombination and Hypermutation in the Immune System
    Edited by Paolo Casali
PART III Transcription and Posttranscriptional Mechanisms
  Chapter 17 Prokaryotic Transcription
  Chapter 18 Eukaryotic Transcription
  Chapter 19 RNA Spticing and Processing
  Chapter 20 mRNA Stabitity and Locatization
    Edited by Ellen Baker
  Chapter 21 Catalytic RNA
    Edited by Douglas J. Briant
  Chapter 22 Transtation
  Chapter 23 Using the Genetic Code
PART IV Gene Regulation
  Chapter 24 The Operon
    Edited by Liskin Swint-Kruse
  Chapter 25 Phage Strategies
  Chapter 26 Eukaryotic Transcription Regutation
  Chapter 27 Epigenetics I
    Edited by Trygve Tollefsbol
  Chapter 28 Epigenetics II
    Edited by Trygve Tollefsbol
  Chapter 29 Noncoding RNA
  Chapter 30 Regulatory RNA