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  • 定价: ¥118
  • ISBN:9787201135977
  • 开 本:32开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:天津人民
  • 页数:1632页
  • 作者:(英)C.S.刘易斯
  • 立即节省:
  • 2018-07-01 第1版
  • 2018-07-01 第1次印刷








    C.S.刘易斯(1898-1963),是英国20世纪著名的文学家、学者、批评家。在牛津大学任教期间,他参加了名为“吉光片羽(The Inklings)”的读书会,结识了J.R.R.托尔金,两人经常交流各种古怪的想法,孕育了两部伟大的奇幻著作——《纳尼亚传奇》和《魔戒》。


Book 1 The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe
  Chapter 1 Lucy Looks Into a Wardrobe /001
  Chapter 2 What Lucy Found There /009
  Chapter 3 Edmund and the Wardrobe/020
  Chapter 4 Turkish Delight /029
  Chapter 5 Back on This Side of the Door /040
  Chapter 6 Into the Forest /050
  Chapter 7 A Day With the Beavers /060
  Chapter 8 What Happened after Dinner /072
  Chapter 9 In the Witch's House /084
  Chapter 10 The Spell Begins to Break /095
  Chapter 11 Aslan Is Nearer /107
  Chapter 12 Peter's First Battle /119
  Chapter 13 Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time /130
  Chapter 14 The Triumph of the Witch /141
  Chapter 15 Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time /152
  Chapter 16 What Happened about the Statues /163
  Chapter 17 The Hunting of the White Stag /174
Book 2 Prince Caspian
  Chapter 1 The Island. 001
  Chapter 2 The Ancient Treasure House 012
  Chapter 3 The Dwarf. 027
  Chapter 4 The Dwarf Tells of Prince Caspian 038
  Chapter 5 Caspian's Adventure in the Mountains. 054
  Chapter 6 The People That Lived in Hiding 072
  Chapter 7 Old Narnia in Danger. 084
  Chapter 8 How They Left the Island 100
  Chapter 9 What Lucy Saw 116
  Chapter 10 The Return of the Lion. 134
  Chapter 11 The Lion Roars. 152
  Chapter 12 Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance. 167
  Chapter 13 The High King in Command. 184
  Chapter 14 How all were Very Busy. 198
  Chapter 15 Aslan Makes a Door in the Air. 215
Book 3 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  Chapter 1 The Picture in the Bedroom. 001
  Chapter 2 On Board the Dawn Treader 017
  Chapter 3 The Lone Islands 035
  Chapter 4 What Caspian Did There. 050
  Chapter 5 The Storm and What Came of It. 065
  Chapter 6 The Adventures of Eustace. 082
  Chapter 7 How the Adventure Ended. 100
  Chapter 8 Two Narrow Escapes 116
  Chapter 9 The Island of the Voices. 135
  Chapter 10 The Magician's Book 151
  Chapter 11 The Dufflepuds Made Happy 169
  Chapter 12 The Dark Island 185
  Chapter 13 The Three Sleepers. 200
  Chapter 14 The Beginning of the End of the World 215
  Chapter 15 The Wonders of the Last Sea. 231
  Chapter 16 The Very End of the World. 247
Book 4 Silver Chair
  Chapter 1 Behind the Gym001
  Chapter 2 Jill is Given a Task.016
  Chapter 3 The Sailing of the King.031
  Chapter 4 A Parliament of Owls.047
  Chapter 5 Puddleglum063
  Chapter 6 The Wild Waste Lands of the North079
  Chapter 7 The Hill of the Strange Trenches096
  Chapter 8 The House of Harfang.111
  Chapter 9 How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing.127
  Chapter 10 Travels Without the Sun.142
  Chapter 11 In the Dark Castle.158
  Chapter 12 The Queen of Underland173
  Chapter 13 Underland Without the Queen.189
  Chapter 14 The Bottom of the World.203
  Chapter 15 The Disappearance of Jill218
  Chapter 16 The Healing of Harms.233
Book 5 The Horse And His Boy
  Chapter 1 How Shasta Set Out on His Travels 001
  Chapter 2 A Wayside Adventure. 018
  Chapter 3 At the Gates of Tashbaan. 036
  Chapter 4 Shasta Falls in with the Narnians 052
  Chapter 5 Prince Corin 068
  Chapter 6 Shasta Among the Tombs 084
  Chapter 7 Aravis in Tashbaan. 097
  Chapter 8 In the House of the Tisroc. 113
  Chapter 9 Across the Desert 127
  Chapter 10 The Hermit of the Southern March. 143
  Chapter 11 The Unwelcome Fellow Traveller. 159
  Chapter 12 Shasta in Narnia. 174
  Chapter 13 The Fight at Anvard. 189
  Chapter 14 How Bree Became a Wiser Horse 204
  Chapter 15 Rabadash the Ridiculous 219
Book 6 The Magician's Nephew
  Chapter 1 The Wrong Door.001
  Chapter 2 Digory and His Uncle016
  Chapter 3 The Wood Between the Worlds.030
  Chapter 4 The Bell and the Hammer.044
  Chapter 5 The Deplorable Word.058
  Chapter 6 The Beginning of Uncle Andrew's Troubles.072
  Chapter 7 What Happened at the Front Door086
  Chapter 8 The Ficht at the Lamp-post.100
  Chapter 9 The Founding of Narnia113
  Chapter 10 The First Joke and Other Matters.127
  Chapter 11 Digory and His Uncle are Both In Trouble140
  Chapter 12 Strawberry's Adventure.153
  Chapter 13 An Unexpected Meeting167
  Chapter 14 The Planting of the Tree.180
  Chapter 15 The End of This Story and the Beginning
  of All the Others.192
Book 7 The Last Battle
  Chapter 1 By Caldron Pool001
  Chapter 2 The Rashness of the King014
  Chapter 3 The Ape in Its Glory027
  Chapter 4 What Happened That Night.040
  Chapter 5 How Help Came to the King052
  Chapter 6 A Good Night's Work.065
  Chapter 7 Mainly About Dwarfs078
  Chapter 8 What News the Eagle Brought093
  Chapter 9 The Great Meeting on Stable Hill106
  Chapter 10 Who Will Go into the Stable120
  Chapter 11 The Pace Quickens134
  Chapter 12 Through the Stable Door147
  Chapter 13 How the Dwarfs Refused to be Taken in160
  Chapter 14 Night Falls on Narnia176
  Chapter 15 Further up and Further in.190
  Chapter 16 Farewell to Shadowlands.204