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  • 定价: ¥28
  • ISBN:9787553678030
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:浙江教育
  • 页数:112页
  • 作者:编者:小学英语阅...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2018-09-01 第1版
  • 2018-09-01 第1次印刷







Unit 1  What's he like?
  Animals with special senses
  Do you want to be healthy?
  The giraffe and the deer
  Lucky Tommy
  Two Donnas
  My teachers
Unit 2  My week
  School days in Canada
  Mountain activities
  School schedule
  Social studies
Unit 3  What would you like?
  What would you like to do after school?
  Let' s make some fruit salad
  Annie's dinner
  Nuts are good for health.
  The magic paintbrush
  A toymaker and his toys
Recycle 1
  Amazing partners
  Teachers' busy week
  What would you like at a party?
  How to build a toy house
Unit 4  What can you do?
  Ways to be happy
  A magic pen
  Animals are helpful in our life.
  Small ants
  Do what you like
Unit 5  There is a big bed
  This is where I live
  Monkey' s glasses shop
  In the garden
  Come to play
  Where is my home?
  Playing at home
  In a nature park
  In the wild animal park
  In the jungle
  My home
Unit 6  In the nature park
  Forget Lucky
  Camping with friends
Recycle 2
  Kent' s toys
  Wendy' s new house
  The arctic fox
  Monkey in the bus