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  • 定价: ¥158
  • ISBN:9787503786822
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:中国统计
  • 页数:157页
  • 作者:编者:中华人民共...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2018-09-01 第1版
  • 2018-09-01 第1次印刷







    附表1  2009—2017分年度中国对外直接投资流量情况表(分国家地区)
    附表2  2009—2017分年度中国对外直接投资存量情况表(分国家地区)
    附表3  2009—2017各年中国对外直接投资流量行业分布情况表
    附表4  2009—2017各年末中国对外直接投资存量行业分布情况表
    附表5  2009—2017各年中国对外非金融类直接投资流量情况表(分省市区)
    附表6  2009—2017各年末中国对外非金融类直接投资存量情况表(分省市区)
    附表7  2009—2017各年中国对欧盟直接投资流量情况表
    附表8  2009—2017各年末中国对欧盟直接投资存量情况表
    附表9  2009—2017各年中国对东南亚国家联盟直接投资流量情况表
    附表10  2009—2017各年末中国对东南亚国家联盟直接投资存量情况表
    附表11  2017年中国企业对“一带一路”沿线国家地区投资情况表
    附表12  按2017年末对外直接投资存量排序中国非金融类跨国公司100强
附录  对外直接投资统计制度
2017 Statistical Bulletin of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment
  1. Overview of China's Outward FDI
  2. The Flows and Stock of China's Outward FDI
  3. China's Outward FDt to Major Economies in the World
  4. Structure of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investors
  5. Geographical and Industrial Distribution of China's FDI Enterprises
  6. Statistics on China's Outward FDI
    Annex Table 1. China's outward FDI flows by country and region, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 2. China's outward FDI Stock by country and region, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 3. Distribution of China's outward FDI flows by industry, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 4. Distribution of China's outward FDI stock by industry, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 5. China's outward FDI flows by province, 2009-2017(Non-Financial Part)
    Annex Table 6. China's outward FDI stock by province, 2009-2017(Non-Financial Part)
    Annex Table 7. China's outward FDI flows into EU countries, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 8. China's outward FDI Stock into EU countries, 2009-2017
    Annex Table 9. China's Outward FDI flows in ASEAN Countries,2009-2017
    Annex TablelO. China's Outward FDI Stock in ASEAN Countries,2009-2017
    Annex Table11. China's Outward FDI in Countries along the Belt and Road 2017
    Annex Table12. The Top 100 Non-financial Chinese TNCs Ranked by Outward FDI Stock, 2017