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  • 定价: ¥20
  • ISBN:9787534664755
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:江苏少儿
  • 页数:118页
  • 作者:编者:李光明
  • 立即节省:
  • 2019-04-01 第5版
  • 2019-04-01 第1次印刷







Passage 1  My net friend
Passage 2  What colours are their T-shirts7
Passage 3  Mother is at home
Passage 4  Happy Ocean Park
Passage 5  Mother's Day postcard
Passage 6  A hungry fox
Passage 7  Who is he7
Passage 8  A monster or not
Passage 9  Where's Sally's homework7
Passage 10  The first day at school
Passage 11  A cat and a bird
Passage 12  E-cards
Passage 13  We have the same mother
Passage 14  Jenny's trip
Passage 15  A happy family
Passage 16  Have a good time
Passage 17  Are you ready to order7
Passage 18  A clock and a watch
Passage 19  You can't go without me
Passage 20  Be polite
Passage 21  A football match
Passage 22  Make others happy
Passage 23  The same question
Passage 24  The best job
Passage 25  After class
Passage 26  I love coffee
Passage 27  A letter from Liu Tao
Passage 28  KFC delivery
Passage 29  Three gardens
Passage 30  A history question
Passage 31  Sea horses
Passage 32  A happy day
Passage 33  A teacher of English
Passage 34  The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Passage 35  A near-sighted man
Passage 36  Colours
Passage 37  Four seasons in a year
Passage 38  Australia
Passage 39  Owls
Passage 40  The rabbit and the lion
Passage 41  Tell me your age
Passage 42  Study at home
Passage 43  Who is the best7
Passage 44  I like the colour
Passage 45  Look at my car
Passage 46  You can't beat me anyway
Passage 47  Zoom, zoom, zoom
Passage 48  Stop thief!
Passage 49  I like playing sports
Passage 50  Is the horse blind7
Passage 51  In a foreign country
Passage 52  Who is lazy?
Passage 53  Mr Fox and Mrs Crow
Passage 54  Americans in Beijing
Passage 55  The tiger's dinner
Passage 56  The sun and the moon
Passage 57  A chocolate lover
Passage 58  In a restaurant
Passage 59  How many letters7
Passage 60  Hello, Mickey !
Passage 61  The eagle and the hen
Passage 62  Future cars
Passage 63  Butterfly, butterfly
Passage 64  Hide-and-seek
Passage 65  My little cat
Passage 66  Please keep off the grass
Passage 67  Let's be friends
Passage 68  A pair of shoes
Passage 69  Mike's family
Passage 70  Miss Li
Passage 71  The blue sea
Passage 72  An expensive bird
Passage 73  The shepherd boy and the wolf
Passage 74  Birthday cake and candles
Passage 75  Her doll is like her
Passage 76  A Science lesson
Passage 77  No chocolate!
Passage 78  A brave boy
Passage 79  Who put ink on my chair?
Passage 80  Nothing on the paper