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CD REAL TALK口语分级教程<第2册入门级高阶>附书(2碟装)

  • 定价: ¥58
  • ISBN:9787884229178
  • 开 本:其他 平装





    《Real Talk口语分级教程》的作者是一位在中国执教十多年的英语语言教育专家。这套教程是基于他丰富的教学经验而编写,全面完整、独具特色,非常符合中国英语口语学习者的特点及学习需求。
    本教程是一套不可多得的、体系完整的英语口语分级教程,难度设置循序渐进,从第一册(Book One)的基础会话开始,逐步提高,最后达到第七册(Book Seven)的流利会话水平。


第一单元 我住在公园旁边
第二单元 他舞跳得不错
第三单元 每一天
第四单元 我上班时使用电脑
第五单元 你穿(戴)着它看上去不错!
第六单元 天气怎么样?
Get Ready for Unit 1
  Section 1: Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 1? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Unit 1?
Get Ready for Unit 2
  Section 1 : Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 2? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Units 1 and 2?
Get Ready for Unit 3
  Section 1: Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 3? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Units 1 to 3?
Get Ready for Unit 4
  Section 1: Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 4? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Units 1 to 4?
Get Ready for Unit 5
  Section 1: Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 5? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Units 1 to 5?
Get Ready for Unit 6
  Section 1: Listening
  Section 2: Vocabulary
  Section 3: Useful Grammar
  Section 4: Listening Practice
  Section 5: What did you learn in Unit 6? Take notes
  Test: What did you learn in Real Talk 2?
  Test: Are you ready for Real Talk 3?
  Useful Sentences in Real Talk 2
Answer Key/Tapescript