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  • 定价: ¥49.8
  • ISBN:9787514377293
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:现代
  • 页数:293页








孔子的一生  The Life of Confucius
论语  The Analects
  学而时习之  Pleasure and Humility
  吾日三省吾身  Self-Critique
  譬如北辰  Like the North Star
  志于学  Cultivating the Way
  知之为知之  True Understanding
  知礼  Proper Ceremony
  饩羊  The Sacrificial Goat
  士志于道  The Way of Self-Respect
  不患无位  What It Takes
  见贤思齐  Seeing Yourself in Others
  远游  Traveling
  德不孤  Friends of Virtue
  颜回之智  Yan Hui’s Intellect
  朽木不可雕  Zai Yu and the Filthy Wall
  谓之“文”  The Meaning of 〝Cultured〞
  巧言令色  Contriving Appearances
  言志  Wishes
  十室之邑  A Town of Ten Families
  颜回好学  Yan Hui's Learning
  颜回之贤  Yan Hui's Worthiness
  仁者与智者  The Wise and The Benevolent
  述而不作  Transmitting Ideas
  学而不厌  A Scholar's Ease
  梦见周公  Dreaming of the Duke of Zhou
  志于道  The Foundation of Good Conduct
  未尝无诲  Universal Education
  不愤不启  Teaching Good Students
  乐朴  Simple Pleasures
  好学  Knowledge and Study
  三人行,必有我师  Learning from Others
  钓而不纲  Fair Play
  人之将死,其言也善  Dying Men Don't Lie
  学如不及  Good Students Fear Forgetting
  逝者如斯  The Stream of Time
  后生可畏  Age and Respect
  知者不惑  Facing Facts
  厩焚  Fire in the Stable
  未知生,焉知死  Spirits and Death
  过犹不及  Overdoing It
  柴也愚  Chai Is Naive
  仁  Benevolence
  四海皆兄弟  Brothers
  民无信不立   The People's Trust
  成人之美  Assist in the Good
  以文会友  Making Friends
  正己  Rectifying Oneself
  欲速则不达  Patience and Prescience
  问耻  Greed Is Shameful
  成人  The Complete Person
  言行  Saying and Doing
  耻其言而过其行  Extravagant in Deeds
  评头论足  Throwing Stones
  千里马  A Good Horse
  以直报怨  How to Treat One's Enemies
  知我者  Understanding Confucius
  知其不可而为之  Stubborn
  老而不死  A Wasted Life
  有道则仕  Conditional Service
  为仁  Cultivating Benevolence
  人无远虑,必有近忧  Thinking Ahead
  己所不欲,勿施于人  The Golden Rule
  思与学 Thinking vs. Studying
  当仁不让  Yield to No One
  君子三戒  The Three Temptations
  君子九思  The Nine Considerations
  诚不以富  Praising Deeds
  性相近,习相远  Nature vs. Nurture
  六弊  The Six Defects
  穿窬之盗  The Brazen Burglar
  孺悲求见  Confucius and Ru Bei
  玩乐  Playing Games
  唯女子与小人难养  Maids and Valets
  四十而见恶  An Immature Forty
  仁者之责  Benevolence and Duty
  狂人接舆  Crazy Jieyu
  两位隐者  The Two Recluses
  君子之过  Being an Example
孔子的弟子  The Disciples of Confucius
附录·延伸阅读  APPENDIX Further Reading
孙子说·兵学的先知  Sunzi Speaks·The Art of War
  孙武的生平  The Life of Sun Wu
  始计篇  Calculation
    始计  Calculation
    道、天、地、将、法  The Dao, Heaven, Earth, Command, Law
    道  The Dao
    天  Heaven
    地  Earth
    将  Command
    法  Law
    七计  The Seven Calculations
    诡道  Subterfuge
    乘敌  Taking Advantage of the Enemy
    庙算  Temple Decisions
  作战篇  Waging War
    日费千金  A Million Dollars a Day
    久战不利  Protracted War is Disadoantageous
    贵胜不贵久  Victory Not Duration
    胜敌而益强  Gain Strength Through Defeating the Enemy
    知兵之将民之司命  The General Who Knows
  谋攻篇  Strategic Offensioe
    用兵之法  The Principles of Warfare
    政略  Attack Strategy
    谋攻战略  The Strategic Offensive in War
    统帅权  Powers of the Commander
    知彼知已  Know Thyself, Know Thine Enemy
  军形篇  Tactical Disposition
    战略的目的  The Objectioe of Strategy
    先胜求战  Seek Victory Before Fighting
    决战的形势  The Circumstances of Decisive Bafle
  兵势篇  Force
    奇、正  Frontal and Surprise
    奇正之变  The Implementation of Frontal and Surprise Attacks
    势  Force
    造势  Creating Force
  虚实篇  Strength and Weakness
    致人而不致于人  Control Others Without Being Controlled
    我专敌分  Concentration Against Fragmentation
    兵形如水  Like Water
  军争篇  Maneuver
    以迂为直  Make the Crooked Straight
    利与弊  Adoantage and Disadoantage
    风林火山  Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain
  九变篇  Altermatives
    九变  Alternatives
  行军篇  On the March
    部署  Deployment
  地形篇  Terrain
    地形  Terrain
    六败  The Six Kinds of Defeat
    上将者国之宝  AGreat General is a National Treasure
  九地篇  Ground
    地略  Strategies of Ground
    内线作战  Fighting on Internal Lines
    霸王之兵  The Army of the Supreme Sovereign
    用兵如常山之蛇  Wage War Like a Serpent
    始如处女,敌人开户,后如脱兔,敌不及拒  Like a Maiden
  火攻篇  Incendiary Warfare
    火攻有五  The Five Methods of Incendiary Warfare
    合于利而动  Move Only When It Benefits You
  用间篇  Espionage
    用间  Spies
    五间  The Five Spies
附录·延伸阅读  APPENDIX Further Reading