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  • 定价: ¥39.9
  • ISBN:9787517088301
  • 开 本:32开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:中国水利水电
  • 页数:191页








Part 1  Brief Introduction北京概况
  Unit 1  古老又新潮的北京Ancient and Fashionable Beijing
  Unit 2  北京精神Beijing Spirit
  Unit 3  科技中心——中关村Technology Center—Zhongguancun
  Unit 4  北京的副中心——递州Beijing's Vice Center—Tongzhou
  bnit 5  2008年北京奥运会The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
  Unit 6  2022年北京冬奥会Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022
Part 2  中国的政治中心The Political Center of China
  Unit 7  成为中国政治中心的来由The Reason of Being the Political Center of China
  Unit 8  人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People
  Unit 9  天安门广场Tian。anmen Square
  Unit 10  人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the People's Heroes
  Unit 11  毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
  Unit 12  北京雁栖湖国际会展中心Beijing Yanqi Lake International ConvenUon&Exhibition Center
Part3  探访皇室生活Exploring the Royal Life
  Unit 13  故宫The Forbidden City
  Unit 14  太庙The Ancestral Temple
  Unit 15  社稷坛The Altar of Land and Grain
  Unit 16  天坛The Temple of Heaven
  Unit 17  北海公园Beihai Park
  Unit 18  颐和园The Summer Palace
  Unit 19  孔庙与国子监The Confucian Temple and Guozijian
  Unit 20  香山公园Xiangshan Park
  Unit 21  雍和宫Yonghe Palace
Part 4  北京的建筑Architecture in Beijing
  Unit 22  中轴线上的古老建筑Ancient Buildings on the Central Axis
  Unit 23  长城TheGreatWall
  Unit 24  圆明园Yuanmingyuan
  Unit 25  明十三陵The Ming Tombs
  Unit 26  卢沟桥The Lugou Bridge
  Unit 27  钟鼓楼Bell and Drum Tower
  Unit 28  德胜门Desheng Men
  Unit 29  恭王府Prince Kung's Mansion
  Unit 30  大观园Grand View Garden
  Unit 31  胡同Hutong
  Unit 32  南锣鼓巷Nanluoguxiang
  Unit 33  北京四合院Beijing Siheyuan
  Unit 34  鸟巢The Bird's Nest
  Unit 35  水立方WaterCube
  Unit 36  国家大剧院The National Centre for the Performing Arts
  Unit 37  中央电视台总部大楼The CCTV Headquarters Building
Part 5  北京的美食Beijing Cuisine
  Unit 38  北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck
  Unit 39  炸酱面Noodles with Soy Bean Paste
  Unit 40  稻香村Daoxiangcun
  Unit 41  庆丰包子铺Qingfeng Steamed Dumpling Shop
  Unit 42  冰糖葫芦Candied Haws
  Unit 43  驴打滚儿Rolling Donkey
  Unit 44  北京二锅头Beijing Erguotou
  Unit 45  豆汁儿Bean Juice
  Unit 46  爆肚与炒肝儿Boiled Tripe and Fried Liver
Part 6  北京的文化Beijing Culture
  Unit 47  成为中国文化中心的来由The Reason of Being the Cultural Center of China
  Unit 48  中国国家博物馆The National Museum of China
  Unit 49  京剧Peking Opera
  Unit 50  北京大学Peking University
  Unit 51  清华大学Tsinghua University
  Unit 52  宋庆龄同志故居Song Qingling's Former Residence
  Unit 53  老舍纪念馆Lao She Memorial Hall
  Unit 54  齐白石故居The former Residence of Qi Baishi
  Unit 55  徐悲鸿纪念馆Xu Beihong Memorial Hall
Part 7  北京的交通Transportation in Beijing
  Unit 56  国际机场International Airport
  Unit 57  高铁High—speed Rail
  Unit 58  北京地铁Beijing Subway
  Unit 59  北京公交Beijing Bus
  Unit 60  潮流交通软件Popular Traffic Software
  Unit 61  共享单车Shared Bicycles
Part 8  购物、游玩在这里sh。pping and Playing
  Unit 62  王府井Wangfujing
  Unit 63  西单Xidan
  Unit 64  秀水街Xiushui Street
  Unit 65  前门大街Qianmen Street
  Unit 66  什刹海Shichahai
  Unit 67  北京动物园Beljing Zoo
  Unit 68  北京欢乐谷Beijing Happy Valley