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  • 定价: ¥41
  • ISBN:9787521329315
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:外语教研
  • 页数:230页
  • 作者:(英)肯·海兰|责...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2021-09-01 第1版
  • 2021-09-01 第1次印刷







Section 1:  What is metadiscourse?
  Chapter 1  First impressions
    1.1  A brief overview of metadiscourse
    1.2  A context of emergence: information and interaction
    1.3  Metadiscourse and audience awareness
    1.4  Metadiscourse, interaction and audience
    1.5  Summary and conclusion
  Chapter 2  Definitions, issues and classifications
    2.1  Definitions of metadiscourse
    2.2  Propositional and metadiscourse meanings
    2.3  Levels of meaning'
    2.4  Functional analyses
    2.5  'Textual' and 'interpersonal' functions
    2.6  Metadiscourse signals
    2.7  Categorizations of metadiscourse
    2.8  Summary and conclusions
  Chapter 3  A metadiscourse model
    3.1  Key principles of metadiscourse
    3.2  A classification of metadiscourse
    3.3  Metadiscourse resources
    3.4  An illustration: metadiscourse in postgraduate writing
    3.5  The limits of description
    3.6  Summary and conclusions
Section 2:  Metadiscourse in practice
  Chapter 4  Metadiscourse and rhetoric
    4.1  The concept of rhetoric
    4.2  Academic discourse and rhetoric
    4.3  Metadiscourse, ethos and The Origin of Species
    4.4  Business discourse and metadiscourse
    4.5  Metadiscourse and rhetoric in company annual reports
    4.6  Summary and conclusions
  Chapter 5  Metadiscourse and genre
    5.1  The concept of genre
    5.2  Metadiscourse and genre
    5.3  Metadiscourse in academic research articles
    5.4  Metadiscourse in popular science articles
    5.5  Metadiscourse in introductory textbooks
    5.6  Summary and conclusions
  Chapter 6  Metadiscourse and culture
    6.1  Culture and language
    6.2  Metadiscourse across languages
    6.3  Metadiscourse and writing in English
    6.4  Interactive metadiscourse in English
    6.5  Interactional metadiscourse in English
    6.6  Summary and conclusions
  Chapter 7  Metadiscourse and community
    7.1  The concept of community
    7.2  Community, academic writing and metadiscourse
    7.3  Metadiscourse variation in articles across disciplines
    7.4  Interactional metadiscourse in articles across disciplines
    7.5  Interactive metadiscourse in articles across disciplines
    7.6  Metadiscourse variation in textbooks across disciplines
    7.7  Interactional metadiscourse in textbooks across disciplines
    7.8  Interactive metadiscourse in textbooks across disciplines
    7.9  Summary and conclusions
Section 3:  Issues and implications
  Chapter 8  Metadiscourse in the classroom
    8.1  Students, writing and audience awareness
    8.2  Advantages of teaching metadiscourse features
    8.3  Some teaching principles
    8.4  Some teaching strategies
    8.5  Summary and conclusions
  Chapter 9  Issues and directions
    9.1  Metadiscourse and the socially situated writer
    9.2  Metadiscourse and interpersonal engagement
    9.3  Metadiscourse and discourse variation
    9.4  Metadiscourse and classroom practice
    9.5  Methodological issues
    9.6  Some implications and remaining issues
    9.7  Further research
Appendix: Metadiscourse items investigated
Subject Index
Author Index