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  • 定价: ¥129
  • ISBN:9787506272681
  • 开 本:24开 平装
  • 作者:William Fulton//...
  • 立即节省:
  • 2005-10-01 第1版
  • 2020-01-01 第3次印刷





    本书是一部很受欢迎的教材,初版于1991年,至今已被Springer出版社重印5次。全书分为四部分,26章,书中主要论述李群、李代数和经典群的有限维表示, 可作为大学高年级学生, 研究生及教师的教学用书。
    (一)有限群:有限群表示;特征;实例;Ed表示;Ud 、GL2和 Fq表示;外尔结构。(二)李群和李代数:李群;李代数和李群;李代数的初始分类;一维、二维和三维中的李代数;sl2 C表示;sl3 C表示。(三)经典李代数及其示;任意半单李代数的结构与表示; Sl4 C和sln C;辛李代数;Sp6C和sp2n C;正交李代数;So6 C、 So7 C和som C;so m C自旋表示。(四)李理论:复单李群的分类;G2和其它例外李代数;复李群;外尔特征公式;实李代数和李群。


Using This Book
Part Ⅰ: Finite Groups
1. Representations of Finite Groups
  1.1: Definitions
  1.2: Complete Reducibility; Schur's Lemma
  1.3: Examples: Abelian Groups; □3
2. Characters
  2.1: Characters
  2.2: The First Projection Formula and Its Consequences
  2.3: Examples: □4 and 9.□4
  2.4: More Projection Formulas; More Consequences
3. Examples; Induced Representations; Group Algebras; Real Representations
  3.1: Examples: □5 and □4
  3.2: Exterior Powers of the Standard Representation of □d
  3.3: Induced Representations
  3.4: The Group Algebra
  3.5: Real Representations and Representations over Subfields of C
4. Representations of □4: Young Diagrams and Frobenius's Character Formula
  4.1: Statements of the Results
  4.2: Irreducible Representations of □4
  4.3: Proof of Frobenius's Formula
5. Representations of □d and GL2(Fq)
  5.1: Representations of □4
  5.2: Representations of GL2(Fq) and SL2(Fq)
6. Weyl's Construction
  6.1: Schur Functors and Their Characters
  6.2: The Proofs
Part Ⅱ: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
7. Lie Groups
  7.1: Lie Groups: Definitions
  7.2: Examples of Lie Groups
  7.3: Two Constructions
8. Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
  8.1: Lie Algebras: Motivation and Definition
  8.2: Examples of Lie Algebras
  8.3: The Exponential Map
9. Initial Classification of Lie Algebras
  9.1: Rough Classification of Lie Algebras
  9.2: Engel's Theorem and Lie's Theorem
  9.3: Semisimple Lie Algebras
  9.4: Simple Lie Algebras
10. Lie Algebras in Dimensions One, Two, and Three
  10.1: Dimensions One and Two
  10.2: Dimension Three, Rank 1
  10.3: Dimension Three, Rank 2
  10.4: Dimension Three, Rank 3
11. Representations of sl2C
  11.1: The Irreducible Representations
  11.2: A Little Plethysm
  11.3: A Little Geometric Plethysm
Part Ⅲ: The Classical Lie Algebras and Their Representations