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  • 定价: ¥120
  • ISBN:9780061965388
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:Harper 
  • 页数:800页
  • 立即节省:
  • 2009-01-01 第1版
  • 2009-01-01 第1次印刷



    The Owner's Manual, version 2.0 (we call it YOU2; you can, too). As is the case with any second edition, version, or sequel, we hope that this one motivates you more and is even better than the first. In this book, you'll find plenty of updated information and loads of new material--some of which is sprinkled sneakily throughout the chapters and some of which stands out like a punk rocker's hair.



    Our favorite docs, Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen, have returned to the book that started it all. With new chapters and answers to nearly one hundred questions asked by readers,YOU: The Owner's Manual, Updated and Expanded Edition is an even more vital guide to the most important person in your life-you.
    You'll find advice on how to prevent and beat conditions that threaten your health and quality of life. Complete with exercise tips, nutritional guidelines, simple lifestyle changes, and alternative approaches, YOU: The Owner's Manual, Updated and Expanded Edition gives you an easy,comprehensive plan for fending off the challenges of aging. With fresh ideas and updated content,this expanded edition is designed to help you focus on one, achievable goal: living a healthier,younger life.


CHAPTER 1  Your Body, Your Home: Super Health
CHAPTER 2  The Feat Ooes On.: Your Heart and Arteries
CHAPTER 3  Do You Mind: Your Brain and Nervous System
CHAPTER 4  Motion Control: Your Bones, Joints,and Muscles
CHAPTER 5  To a Lung and Healthy Life: Your Lungs
CHAPTER 6  Our Fedings: Your Pigestive System
CHAPTER 7  In Your Trunk: Your Liver and Pancreas
CHAPTER 8  Sex Marks the Spot: Your Sexual Organs
CHAPTER 9  Common Sense: Your Sensory Organs
CHAPTER 10  Sick Sense:  Your Immune System
CHAPTER 11  This Gland Is Your Gland: Your Hormones
CHAPTER 12  Hell Cells: Cancer
CHAPTER 13  The Owner's Manual Pier
CHAPTER 14  The Owner's Manual Workout
CHAPTER 15  YOU: The Owner's Maual FAQs