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  • 定价: ¥148
  • ISBN:9787547831168
  • 开 本:16开 平装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:上海科技
  • 页数:156页
  • 作者:编者:王开文
  • 立即节省:
  • 2016-08-01 第1版
  • 2016-08-01 第1次印刷









第1章  红斑痤疮流行病学、预防及病因学
Epidemiology, Prophylaxis and Etiology of Rosacea
  1 红斑痤疮的流行病学(Epidemiology of Rosacea)
  2 红斑痤疮的预防(Prophylaxis of Rosacea)
  3 红斑痤疮的病因学(Etiology of Rosacea)
    3.1 蠕形螨的寄生(Demodex Infestation)
    3.2 蠕形螨作为细菌的载体(Demodex as a Vector for Other Bacteria)
    3.3 细菌的致病作用(Bacterial Pathogenicity)
    3.4 血管异常(Vascular Abnormality)
第2章  皮肤红斑痤疮及眼红斑痤疮
Cutaneous and Ocular Rosacea
  1 皮肤红斑痤疮(Cutaneous Rosacea)
    1.1 皮肤红斑痤疮的临床表现(Clinical Manifestations of Cutaneous Rosacea)
    1.2 皮肤红斑痤疮的病理生理(Pathophysiology of Cutaneous Rosacea)
  2 眼红斑痤疮(Ocular Rosacea)
    2.1 皮肤红斑痤疮与眼红斑痤疮的关系(Relationship of Cutaneous and Ocular Rosacea)
    2.2 眼红斑痤疮的临床表现和诊断(Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Ocular Rosacea)
    2.3 眼红斑痤疮的组织病理(Histopathology of Ocular Rosacea)
    2.4 眼红斑痤疮的免疫病理(Immunopathology of Ocular Rosacea)
    2.5 眼红斑痤疮的分子病理(Molecular Pathology of Ocular Rosacea)
第3章  眼病中医辨证论治
Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation in Ocular Diseases with TCM0
  1 眼病辨证论治(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation in Ocular Diseases)
    1.1 眼病的辨证论治与诊断(Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Diagnosis in Ocular Diseases)032
    1.2 眼病的局部辨证与全身辨证(Differentiation of Local Syndrome and General Syndrome in Ocular Diseases)034
    1.3 眼病治疗的标、本、缓、急与舍局部证从全身证或舍全身证从局部证(The Cause and the Symptom, the Chronic Case and the Acute Condition of Treatment in Ocular Disease, Precedence of General Syndrome over Local Syndrome or Precedence of General Local Syndrome over Common Syndrome)036
    1.4 异病同治,同病异治,同证异治与异证同治(Treating Different Diseases with the Same Therapy, Treating the Same Disease with Different Therapies, and Treating the Same Syndrome with Different Therapies, Treating Different Syndromes with the Same Therapy)037
    1.5 中医内治疗法治愈眼红斑痤疮例证(Illustrative Case of Curing Ocular Rosacea with Internal Treatment of TCM)037
  2 眼病中医内治疗法(Internal Treatments for Ocular Diseases with TCM)038
    2.1 祛风清热法(Method of Dispelling Pathogenic Wind and Clearing up Pathogenic Heat)
第4章  红斑痤疮睑皮炎及睑腺疾病
Eyelid Dermatitis in Rosacea and Diseases of Eyelid Glands
第5章  眼红斑痤疮睑板腺功能障碍
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Ocular Rosacea
第6章  干眼及神经反射性流泪
Dry Eye and Nervous Reflective Tearing
第7章  眼红斑痤疮结膜疾病
Diseases of the Conjunctiva in Ocular Rosacea
第8章  眼红斑痤疮角膜疾病
Disorders of the Cornea in Ocular Rosacea
第9章  眼红斑痤疮及相关结缔组织疾病巩膜炎
Scleritis in Ocular Rosacea and Associated Connective Tissue Diseases
第10章  眼红斑痤疮眼内组织损害
Intraocular Tissue Involvement in Ocular Rosacea
第11章  儿科眼红斑痤疮
Pediatric Ocular Rosacea138