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  • 定价: ¥280
  • ISBN:9787117280013
  • 开 本:16开 精装
  • 折扣:
  • 出版社:人民卫生
  • 页数:828页
  • 作者:编者:王啟华
  • 立即节省:
  • 2019-05-01 第3版
  • 2019-05-01 第1次印刷







上篇  眼部解剖学
Upper Part  Anatomy of Eye
    一、眼与全身病Eye and Systemic Diseases
    二、眼的结构与功能及其他Structure and Functions of Eves and Others
  第一章  眶Orbit
    第一节  眼眶的结构Structure of Orbit
      一、眶上壁Superior Orbital Wall
      二、眶内侧壁Medial Wall of Orbit
      三、眶下壁Inferior Wall of Orbit
      四、眶外倾0壁Lateral Wall of Orbit
      五、眶尖和眶口Orbital Apex and Orbital Aperture
      六、眶的测量Orbital Measurement
    第二节  眶壁的裂与孔Fissures and Foramlna of Orbital Wall
      一、眶上裂Superior Orbital Fissure
      二、眶下裂Inferior 0rbital Fissure
      三、视神经孑L或管Optic Foramen or Canal
      四、筛前孔和筛后孑L Anterior and P0sterior Ethmoid Foramina
    第三节  眶与鼻窦的关系Relationship between Orbit And Paranasal Sinuses
  第二章  眼球Eyeball
    第一节  眼球被膜Tunicae of Eyeball
      一、眼球外膜External Ocular Tunica
      二、眼球中膜Middle Tunica ofEyeball
      三、眼球内膜Internal Tunica of Eyeball
    第二节  眼球的内容物Contents of Eyeball
      一、眼前房和眼后房Anterior and Posterior Ocular Chambers
      二、房水及房水循环Aqueous Humor and Its Circulation
      三、血一眼屏障Blood—Eye Barrier
      五、玻璃体Vitreous Body
    第三节  眼内压Intraocular Pressure
      一、神经系统的反射性调节Reflex Regulation of Nervous System
      二、眼内血液的量与质的改变Change of Quantity and Quality in Intraocular Blood
      三、房水的产生与排出Production and Drainage of Aqueous Humor
      四、外界压力加在眼球上的影响Influence of Outside Pressure to the Eyeball
    第四节  青光眼Glaucoma
      一、原发性青光眼Primary Glaucoma
      二、继发性青光眼Secondary Glaucoma
      三、先天性青光眼Congenital Glaucoma
      四、混合性青光眼Mixed Glaucoma
    第五节  低眼压Low Intraocular Pressure
      二、视网膜脱离Detachment of Retina
      四、睫状体脱离Detachment of Ciliary Body
      五、脉络膜脱离Detachment of Choroid
      六、内眼手术Intraocular Operation
      七、各种类型的抗青光眼引流术Drainage ofAnti—glaucoma
      八、一些全身因素Some Systemic Factors
  第三章  眼的辅助装置Auxiliary Devices of Eye
    第一节  眼睑Palpebra
      一、眼睑表面能见到的结构Superficial Structure of Eyelids
      四、睑的结构Structures of Palpebra
      五、睑的血管Blood Vessels of Eyelid
      六、睑的淋巴Palpebral Lymph
      七、睑的神经Nerves of Palpebra
      八、眼睑的位置异常及先天性异常Positional Abnormality of Eyelids and Their Congenital Abnormality
  第四章  眼肌 Ocular Muscles
  第五章  眶内的血管和神经Blood Vessels and Nerves in Orbit
  第六章  视路的解剖学基础Anatomical Basis of Visual Pathway
  第七章  眼的年龄变化Changes of Eye with Age
  第八章  眼的临床解剖纪要 Clinical Anatomical Summary of Eye
  第九章  眼的免疫系统Immune System of Eye
中篇  耳鼻咽喉头颈解剖学
Middle Part Anatomy of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck
  第一章  耳Ear
  第二章  鼻Nose
  第三章  咽Pharynx
  第四章  喉Larynx
  第五章  气管与食管Trachea and Esophagus
  第六章  颈部Neck
下篇  口腔美容解剖学
Lower Part Anatomy of Oral and Aesthetics
  第一章  口腔 Oral Cavity
  第二章 颌面美学解剖学Anatomy of Maxillofacial Aesthetics
参考文献 References